Tag Archives: andrea nash

Review: Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels #4)

Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4)Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews
I remember really enjoying Magic Bleeds when I first read it. A month later, I had to work hard to remember what happened during the first 2/3 of the book and why I liked it so much. I suppose that might sum up my feelings on the book best. It started out very exciting, became repetitive, then had a badass ending. One thing that I did appreciate very much was the change in Kate’s relationship with the Order. Her relationship with the chief villain was also well done. Unfortunately, this book has proven too forgettable for the 3.5 I would like to have given it. Still glad I read it.

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Review: Magic Mourns by Ilona Andrews (Kate Daniels #3.5)

Magic Mourns (Kate Daniels, #3.5)Magic Mourns by Ilona Andrews
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Magic Mourns is probably my favorite of the Kate Daniels novellas. Andrea Nash is not a character to whom I paid much attention prior to this read. In addition to watching her try to come to grips with some stuff in her life, we also see her chasing down Cerberus. With the assistance of Raphael the sexy werehyena and Thanatos, Angel of Death, who happens to be a guy living in a trailer park named Teddy. How could that not be awesome?

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