I have had pretty good luck with the recipes I have tried from Vegetarian Times. This, however, was a dud. My poor boyfriend had the worst of it, since he fixed them. It was a time consuming process, in addition to the hour and a half bake time. The results weren’t worth it. They were remarkably bland. There was no cohesion within the peppers. As for what it was like when I reheated it the next day? Not a pleasant experience. I will not be making this again.
Tag Archives: 2 stars
Review: A Suitable Vengeance
A Suitable Vengeance by Elizabeth George
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
[b:A Suitable Vengeance|234232|A Suitable Vengeance (Inspector Lynley #4)|Elizabeth George|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HVAW066FL._SL75_.jpg|1896269] is the fourth book in [a:Elizabeth George|1402383|Elizabeth George|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1235518043p2/1402383.jpg]’s Inspector Lynley series, but chronologically it occurs years before the first three. In it we see the main characters much younger and gain far more insight into the tangled relationships of Lynley, Deborah, and St. James. Given how much those relationships make me want to shake each one of the players hard, this was my least favorite so far. The mystery itself was interesting, but bizarre in a way that did not redeem the book. I did enjoy the revelations regarding Lynley’s relationship with his family, but again, those did not do enough to redeem the book. Not weak enough to put me off the series, but not what I would call good.
Review: A Visit from the Goon Squad
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
If you’ve ever watched Archer and heard Lana say “Nope,” you can understand when I say that my reaction upon finishing [b:A Visit from the Goon Squad|7331435|A Visit from the Goon Squad|Jennifer Egan|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1290480318s/7331435.jpg|8975330] was pretty much that. It’s not a bad book, in a lot of ways it’s probably a good book. There was just one giant problem for me–I didn’t enjoy it. Not in the way of a book that is uncomfortable for its honesty or its tragedy or the humanity it depicts. In fact, all of those elements are present, although too many slip by frustratingly neglected. Rather, it was unenjoyable because it lacked substance. The characters had all been through heartbreaks, but something still felt off. There was something lacking. I truly do not understand the reaction to this book. Maybe it’s just me.