Tag Archives: drugs

Lists: Worst Books Read in 2011 – # 9

Worst Books Read in 2011

9. A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

I didn’t give a damn what happened to any of the characters and there was a PowerPoint chapter. Bleh.

Original Review

10. The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale

Review: John Dies at the End

John Dies at the EndJohn Dies at the End by David Wong
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Warning: This Book Contains Multiple Scenes With Disgusting Huge Spiders


I had avoided adding John Dies at the End until a friend roped me into it through a challenge. I have to say, it was a pleasant surprise. Well, maybe not pleasant. That’s not a word that describes, well, anything in this book.

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Review: A Visit from the Goon Squad

A Visit from the Goon Squad
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

If you’ve ever watched Archer and heard Lana say “Nope,” you can understand when I say that my reaction upon finishing [b:A Visit from the Goon Squad|7331435|A Visit from the Goon Squad|Jennifer Egan|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1290480318s/7331435.jpg|8975330] was pretty much that. It’s not a bad book, in a lot of ways it’s probably a good book. There was just one giant problem for me–I didn’t enjoy it. Not in the way of a book that is uncomfortable for its honesty or its tragedy or the humanity it depicts. In fact, all of those elements are present, although too many slip by frustratingly neglected. Rather, it was unenjoyable because it lacked substance. The characters had all been through heartbreaks, but something still felt off. There was something lacking. I truly do not understand the reaction to this book. Maybe it’s just me.

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