Tag Archives: fluff

Wanna Bet?

“He wanted to wring Alex’s neck, and he refused to think about why the thought of getting his hands on him in a way that wasn’t just their normal firm handshake made him feel warm and distracted. He did not have a crush on his literal rival. He didn’t. That would be stupid”

Bets can be dangerous, especially ones you didn’t mean to make.

Rating: Explicit

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Parties Are Overrated

“Not only had he agreed to spend the last night of the bloody decade at a loud party filled with people who seem to really miss college, he got ditched by the woman who talked him into going in the first place.”

Parties are so lame. Who needs ’em?

Rating: Explicit

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Going Batty

“Seriously, had he somehow locked himself in? Surely the maintenance crew didn’t come around so early? If so, it was his most impressive case of self-sabotage to date. He sat down with his back to the door and prepared to wait, as the bats took flight with their shrill whistles and clicks. He hoped Gertrude would be alright.

In which Alexei gets locked into the bat house, but it all turns out right in the end.

Rating: Explicit

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